
A Short “Check-in” Survey

Hello good people!

I’m just doing a short “check in” survey to make sure my send-outs are reaching all my subscribers. So if you would be so kind as to complete this little survey, I’d really appreciate your input.

Thank you for your time and help.

Click this link to participate in the survey.
A Short “Check-in” Survey

An unexpected (but happy) Move

On January 16, almost immediately after asking my subscribers to let me know if they’ve been receiving my “News from Gerianne,” I discovered that out of my 117 current subscribers, only 4 people actually got my last send out.

When looking into why, I learned that my (then web-host wasn’t/isn’t keeping their php versions up to date which affects the mailout plugin that I use (and like a lot).

Having outdated plugins is somewhat akin to having your office space in a large office building, then one day you discover that the owner of the building is being derelict with the building’s upkeep and your office will soon have all kinds of structural problems and damage.

With that insight, I decided a fast move was in order and I found what seems to be (and I’m hoping to be) a much better web-host, with an amazing first term price.

So, is again up and running. It’s slightly disheveled at the moment but I’m working on the organizing aspects now and things should appear as usual soon.

Many thanks to each of my subscribers for your interest in all that God has entrusted me to do during my lifetime and all that I do.

Whether you realize it or not, I value each of you immensely.

Blessings to all.


News from Gerianne – Archivess

Find my Archives of “News from Gerianne” here:

A Restructuring of Sorts

Hi folks,

Over the next while there’ll be a bit of restructuring happening in my business life. will remain, but as many of you know, I’m into many, many things.

Honestly over the past several months, I’ve felt like I’ve been being pulled in many directions all at once; but a few months back, Karen Dean inadvertently presented me with an inspiration. In a bookkeeping workshop with GO-3D, she mentioned how she has all her smaller business ventures under her personal name. The more I thought about this concept, the more it made sense to me. For hiring staff, CRA  already recognizes my personal name as my business name, and that’s been the case for many years, so from an employer’s viewpoint, it even makes sense to take a page from Karen’s book.
The visioning and transitioning will take time as I plan how I want things to be, but one of the first seemingly natural steps would be to migrate any
job opportunities with me to: So, from henceforth, please check there for current vacant positions.

As always I Welcome feedback from my readers, followers, and community at large.

Thank You.