On January 16, almost immediately after asking my subscribers to let me know if they’ve been receiving my “News from Gerianne,” I discovered that out of my 117 current subscribers, only 4 people actually got my last send out.

When looking into why, I learned that my (then web-host iPage.com) wasn’t/isn’t keeping their php versions up to date which affects the mailout plugin that I use (and like a lot).

Having outdated plugins is somewhat akin to having your office space in a large office building, then one day you discover that the owner of the building is being derelict with the building’s upkeep and your office will soon have all kinds of structural problems and damage.

With that insight, I decided a fast move was in order and I found what seems to be (and I’m hoping to be) a much better web-host, with an amazing first term price.

So, GerianneBHull.com is again up and running. It’s slightly disheveled at the moment but I’m working on the organizing aspects now and things should appear as usual soon.

Many thanks to each of my subscribers for your interest in all that God has entrusted me to do during my lifetime and all that I do.

Whether you realize it or not, I value each of you immensely.

Blessings to all.
