Happy Thanksgiving

With Thanksgiving rapidly approaching, (in Canada on October 9th this year) I'd first like to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving (regardless of when you celebrate it.)

Thanksgiving can mean many things for many people. For me personally, it's a time to be extra aware and grateful for the incredible life that God has entrusted me with. On a recent "spur of the moment" trip to my birth town, of Corner Brook, NL, (more on that later - maybe in my next send out) when meeting some folks who quickly got into my heart, I was reminded quite obviously of just how fortunate I am. Sometimes (like everyone) I get focused on "what's going wrong" - my frustrations of things "taking too long" to come to fruition, as I try to set their arbitrary arrival dates. I lose trust in the God that I claim to love and believe in and in those times, I question whether I actually believe what I say I do.

But in those other times, when I just let go and "wing it" and when I say to the God that I earnestly believe in: "Okay Big Guy.... YOU take the lead.... Show me what you want me to see - do - realize - and appreciate!" It's often in those times that I am left in awe and wonder. Recently, right when I saw so many things "ending" in my life; I was shown an incredible amount of new possibilities and whether or not a single one of those ever come into being, I am immensely grateful to have been shown how much I was limiting my own forecast for my future. Now I see an abundance of possibilities and I'm so excited to see what comes next!

Stay tuned folks.....!

Mountain Climbing Anyone???

(Click heading to see video)
Gerianne & her staff often do some crazy things, but was Gerianne nuts enough to attempt mountain climbing while in Corner Brook recently?????

Subscribe and find out in her next send out of "News from Gerianne"

It's often easier to seek forgiveness than it is to ask for permission... :)

Assume the positive they say, right?

Well, with that notion, some folks whom I've known for a long time, or folks who've always been interested in m writing and my crazy life,, might receive this latest incarnation of my newsletter.

Now, if you don't want to receive news of my latest haps, simply unsubscribe and/or let me know. I'll simply ask your forgiveness for my overzealous enthusiasm. :)