A Short Hello
I just have a few little things that I want to mention.
First, I want to send a heartfelt shout-out and thank you to my newest “Gifters”: Sara Coish, Camilla MacDonald, and two who wio remain anonymous. Thank you all for your support and encouragement. I really appreciate it a lot.
If you have any questions about becoming one of my Gifters, you can email me at: gbhull@gbhull.com
Also, I’m trying out a new idea/concept that occurred to me recently...
From hence forward, (at least for a while) I am going to make all of my e-publications FREE! That’s right! I said FREE!!!
My hope is that after reading any of my writings, readers will be inspired to make a financial gift of any amount, (at their own deaccession) to support my advocacy efforts, on behalf of myself and others in similar situations.
Yes, I know it’s not even close to the Lenten Season right now, but other e-pubs by me will be coming soon, and besides... IT’S FREE!