Breaking The Rules
- News from Gerianne
(#0007 / Aug. 23/24)

I'm Breahing The Rules - Yes, Again!

Yes, I know better! Yes, I know that the practice is NOT to send out “social media / marketing things / promotional materials, etc., out on Fridays - especially Friday evenings. The only worse day is likely Saturday. Still, if there’s good news to share, share it! I also know that there are some folks who are very concerned and eager to receive any updates as soon as possible.
First, I want to immensely thank those who have become “Gifters” on my website ( Whether yours was a one-time contribution or a recurring gift; whether you gifted anonymously, or allowed your name to be added on my “Gifters” page, my attendants and I extend our heartfelt gratitude.
As a follow-up to my “send out” on August 7, I am happy to let you know that the Direct Funding’s Finance Department has agreed to “accept removal of identification of any (attendant/staff’s) personal information. The client's (that’s me) suggestion of using unique employee identifiers will be accepted.”
A funding challenge still remains though, and that is to find a replacement for WSP-A. Unfortunately since losing that funding, I've had to make the hard choice of either paying my staff the full hours that I absolutely need, or submit my monthly payroll deductions to CRA. I simply can't do both without a replacement for WSP-A.
As a result, I'm about to be 3 months in arrears on my CRA payroll payments - approximately some $6,000.00. To try to combat this, I have set up a "Gifters" page on my website. I am happy to say that this page has already generated over $700.00 to date. I realize this is only a small portion, but I am hopeful that my “Gifters” clan will continue to grow.
Something that has become very evident (to me anyway) is that each time I fear losing my funding, my physical health and well being becomes severely affected. Last month, when having the stint removed from the Lithotripsy, I was told I have more stones in my other kidney. They’re not as big and should be passable, but most of this past week, with not knowing if I would have any funding to pay my attendants after the end of August, I was experiencing more kidney stone issues.
Still, tonight as I write this to you all, I am very grateful for your support, encouragement, and for your belief in my abilities to live a purposeful life in a community that I cherish.
Until next time.
Again, if after reading my "send out" you want to become a "Gifter" please visit:
I can also accept money orders, and even cash, but please, no cheques. (in the past I've had some bounce, and I've been left having to pay NSF charges.
If you have further questions, you can email me privately at:
Agaiin, we thank you.

Your comments & questions are always welcome:

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